Sawanoi Brewery-run Traditional Japanese Restaurant “Mamagoto-ya” Serving Nature’s Seasonal Bounties
Reminiscent of the naive pleasures of picking wild flowers and playing “mamagoto (playing house)” out in the fields - please savor the changing seasons and the simple and gentle flavors of our tofu and yuba dishes at Mamagoto-ya, located at the Tamagawa riverside.
Here at Mamagoto-ya, we make our specialty tofu and yuba (bean curd leaves) from selected domestic soybeans fresh every day, using the same water we use to brew the signature Sawanoi sake (rice wine).
Please enjoy their harmony with the specially selected sake fresh from the brewery.
- 営業時間
- 営業時間|11:00~17:00(最終受付|14:30)
- 定休日
- 月(祝日の場合は火)・金(祝日と11月は営業)、年末年始、その他臨時休業あり
- 所在地
- 東京都青梅市沢井2-748
- 電 話
- 0428-78-9523
- 0428-78-8143